Academic Articles
Chaudhry, N., Roomi, M. A., and Aftab, I. (2020). Impact of expertise of audit committee chair and nomination committee chair on financial performance of firm. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society (Forthcoming).
Roomi, M. A., Saiz-Alvarez, J. M., and Coduras, A. (2020). Senior Entrepreneurship and Family Business Vitality in Saudi Arabia. In J. Saiz-Álvarez, & J. Gámez-Gutiérrez (Eds.), Senior Entrepreneurship and Aging in Modern Business (pp. 39-58). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Chaudhry, N., Roomi, M. A., and Dar, S. (2020). Barriers to financial product innovation in Islamic banks in Pakistan: An interpretive structural modeling approach. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, 11(2), 346-360.
Chaudhry, N.I. and Roomi, M. A. (2019). Impact of Customer-Oriented Strategy on Financial Performance with mediating role of HRM and Innovation Capability. Personnel Review. 48 (3), 631-643.

Roomi, M. A., Rehman, S. and Henry, C. (2018). Exploring the normative context for women’s entrepreneurship in Pakistan: a critical analysis. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 10 (2), 158-180.
Humbert, A. L. and Roomi, M. A. (2018). Prone to ‘care’? Relating motivations to economic and social performance among women social entrepreneurs in Europe. Social Enterprise Journal. 14 (3), 312-327.
Harrison, P. and Roomi, M. A. (2018). Islamic Insights on Entrepreneurial Leadership. In Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Leadership, R. T. Harrison and C. M. Leitch: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Surrey: UK.
Roomi, M. A. and Megheirkouni, M. (2017) Women’s leadership development in sport settings: Factors influencing the transformational learning experience of female managers. European Journal of Training and Development. 41(5), 467-484.
Bhatt, P., Roomi, M. A., and Ahmed, A. (2016) Social Innovation with Open Source Software: User Engagement and Development Challenges in Indian Cases. 52/53(1), 28 – 39.
Santos, J. F., Roomi, M.A., and Liñán, F. (2016). About Gender Differences and the Social Environment in the Development of Entrepreneurial Intentions. Journal of Small Business Management. 54(1), 49-66.
Roomi, M.A. and Yaqzan, S.M. (2016). Social Entrepreneurship in the Middle East. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research. 22(3), 458 – 460.
Koleva, P. and Roomi, M.A. (2015). Social Intrapreneurism and All That Jazz: How business innovators are helping to build a more sustainable world. Society and Business Review. 10(2), 194-199.

Roomi, M. A. (2013). Entrepreneurial Capital, Social Values and Cultural Traditions: Exploring the Growth of Women-Owned Enterprises in Pakistan. International Small Business Journal. 31(2), 175-191.
Rehman, S., and Roomi, M. A. (2012). Gender and Work Life Balance: A phenomenological Study of Women Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 19(2), 209-228.
Roomi, M.A., Kumar, M. and Chaudhry, N. I. (2012). Issues and Challenges Faced by the Potential Women Entrepreneurs in Pakistan: A Case Study of Sind Province. International Journal of Management Research and Emerging Sciences. 1(1), 119-131.
Roomi, M.A., and Harrison, P. (2011). Entrepreneurial Leadership: What is it and How Should it be Taught? International Review of Entrepreneurship, 9(3).
Chaudhry, N.I., and Roomi, M.A. (2010). Accounting for the development of human capital in manufacturing organizations: A study of the Pakistani textile sector. Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 14(3), 178-195.
Roomi, M. A., and Harrison, P. (2010). Behind the Veil: Women’s Capacity Building and Enterprise Development in Pakistan. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2(2), 150-172.
Parrott, G., Roomi. M. A., and Holliman, D. (2010). Analysis of the effectiveness of marketing programmes adopted by small to medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 17(2), 184-203.
Roomi, M. A. (2009). Impact of Social Capital Development and Use in the Growth Process of Women-Owned Firms. International Journal of Enterprising Culture, 17(4), 473 – 495.

Roomi, M. A., Harrison, P. and Beaumont-Kerridge, J. (2009). Women-owned Enterprises in the UK: Analysis of Factors Influencing the Growth Process. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 16(2), 270 – 288.
Roomi, M. A., and Harrison, P. (2008). Training Needs of Women-owned SMEs in England. Education + Training, 50 (8/9), 687 – 696.
Roomi, M. A., and Parrott, G. (2008). Barriers to Development and Progression of Women Entrepreneurs in Pakistan. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 17(1), 59- 72.
Roomi, M. A., and Harrison, P. (2008). Impact of Women-only Entrepreneurship Training in Islamic Society. In Women’s Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: A Dialogue and Construction, I. Aaltio, E. Sundin, and P. Kyrö, Eds. Denmark: Copenhagen Business School Press.
Roomi, M. A., and Newnham, J. (2001). Commercialisation of Business Development Services through NGOs – A Case Study of AKRSP-Pakistan. Small Business Services in Asian Countries, ITDG, UK.
Roomi, M. A. (2000). Proposed Strategy for the Establishment and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Pakistan. Small and Medium Enterprises in Asian Pacific Countries: Linkages and Policy Support, Nova Science Publishers, New York, USA.